Dear Residents:

If you own one or more dogs in Downe Township, please know you are required by law to register your dog(s) in the State of New Jersey. If you have not yet registered your dog(s) for 2024, please contact Nicole in the Municipal Building, Monday through Friday, between 9am and 5pm to register. However, please be aware that I am out of the office from 12pm to 1pm usually for lunch and Thursday mornings for inspections.

The dog licenses are valid for a period of one (1) year, from January 1st to December 31st. The dog license registration fee is $7.00 for each spayed or neutered dog. However, if the dog is not spayed or neutered, then the fee is $10.00. Please submit a check or money order and be sure to make it out to the Township of Downe. Dog registrations are due by March 31, 2024. In the event that a registrant fails to register their dog within the appropriate time period, then there is an additional late fee of $5.00 thereafter.

In addition to payment, proper documentation is required for each dog. Specifically, be sure to provide the documentation for each dog’s most recent rabies vaccine and for any spayed/neutered procedures, if applicable. All rabies vaccines must be considered valid for at least 10 months of the year before you can register your dog, so the rabies vaccine expiration date must be Nov. 1, 2024 or later. Though, please note, the Cumberland County Health Department does provide FREE rabies clinics at various location around the county throughout the year. See the link attached below for specific details regarding locations, dates and times.

Any dog registrations must be submitted to Downe Township, Attn: Nicole Marlette, 288 Main Street, Newport, NJ 08345 either via mail, dropbox, or office visit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.



Nicole Marlette

Administrative Assistant

Township of Downe



Click the links below for an Application Form or for the 2023 Free Rabies Clinics Flyer:

ANNUAL Downe Township Dog License Application


Green Team Recycling Program

Our Green Team is collecting the following items:

These items can be dropped off to a specific bin located inside:

The Senior Hall, 288 Main Street, Newport, NJ 08345


NJ Office of Emergency Management

Downe Township Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

The Downe Township OEM encourages all residents with special needs to register using the NJ State Register Ready database.  The information you provide will assist county and local law enforcement and emergency personnel safety evacuate you during a declared emergency such as we experienced with Super Storm Sandy.  Registration is easy and can be done over the phone or online.

For more information, click the link below:

NJ OEM Special Needs Registry for Disasters – 2022


Cumberland Co. Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Public Review Notice

Cumberland County and all 14 municipalities have been working for the past year on updating the County’s hazard mitigation plan. This plan identifies the risk from natural hazards and proposes measures to be undertaken by the County and municipalities to reduce or eliminate this risk. A Public Review Draft of the documents will be available for review between Tuesday, April 19th and Friday, May 6th. All residents, property owners, and interested parties are invited to review and provide comments. These documents will be posted on the project website.

Cumberland County 2021 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Have you experienced a loss from a natural hazard? Are you interested in learning more about risks our community faces from natural hazards and what can be done about it?

Hazard mitigation is defined as sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from natural hazards such as flooding, high winds, winter storms, and wildfires. Hazard mitigation planning is the process through which communities identify the risks they face and develop strategies to implement hazard mitigation measures.

Our community has a current hazard mitigation plan (HMP) that was completed in 2016 along with the other municipalities in Cumberland County. An update of this hazard mitigation plan is underway to meet federal requirements and help substantially reduce the risk of injury, death, property loss, and economic disruption from natural disasters.

The participation of concerned citizens will be important to the success of the hazard mitigation plan update. Hazard mitigation is most effective when local governments work with residents, property owners, and business interests to identify and understand risks and focus public and private resources on realistic solutions to problems.

For more information, please visit the Cumberland County 2021 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update project website. (See link below.)


To see how we accomplished at the County, please go to

** Note: Scroll down below the Register Ready Logo. **